Saturday, January 8, 2011


It is now well in to January of 2011 and it has been a long time since I have been anywhere in the neighborhood of this blog. In no way will I make a serious attempt to catch up with the things that have occurred over the past year.

One reason I have not been on here much is my annoyance with blogs and things like facebook, they have become cumbersome. I really have started to hate facebook. There are times I enjoy viewing what others are doing in their lives, but I am sick of constantly reading the same few peoples pissing and moaning. It is the 30% of my so called friends that are only friends because they are friends of friends or friends of relatives and in truth some of them are even relatives that are constantly posting the most ridiculous updates that I find myself wanting to vomit. I am not anti-facebook, but it has become a pain in the ass more than its worth.

Basically it has been a year almost exactly since the last time I did anything with this dadgum blog. My ranting above is simply some of the frustration that I've felt towards different technological tools that sometimes just a nuisance or distraction, besides no one really has ever read this blog and even more so that its been extinct for so long.

Anyway, I do hope to post and update a lot more in the near future for the sole reason of having something to look back on with my boys and remember what fun things we did.

Here's to a great year!

Of course this little dude is the greatest event of 2010.


1 comment:

Melissa said...

Uh... I'm still waiting for your adventure updates!